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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Example VCD output from vcd dumpports

The following is an example VCD file created with the vcd dumpports command.

File created using the following command:
vcd dumpports results/dump1
Tue Aug 20 13:33:02 2000
ModelSim Version 5.4c
$scope module top1 $end
$scope module u1 $end
$var port 1 <0 a $end
$var port 1 <1 b $end
$var port 1 <2 c $end
$upscope $end
$upscope $end
$enddefinitions $end
pN 6 6 <0
pX 6 6 <1
p? 6 6 <2
pX 6 6 <1
pN 6 6 <0
p? 6 6 <2
pL 6 0 <1
pD 6 0 <0
pa 6 6 <2
pH 0 6 <1
pU 0 6 <0
pb 6 6 <2
pT 0 0 <1
pZ 0 0 <0
pX 6 6 <2
pX 5 5 <1
pN 5 5 <0
p? 6 6 <2
pL 5 0 <1
pD 5 0 <0
pa 6 6 <2
pH 0 5 <1
pU 0 5 <0
pb 6 6 <2
pX 6 6 <1
pN 6 6 <0
p? 6 6 <2

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
Voice: (503) 641-1340
Fax: (503)526-5410
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase