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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Trigger settings tab

The Triggers tab controls the triggering for the display of new lines in the List window. You can specify whether an HDL item trigger or a strobe trigger is used to determine when the List window displays a new line. If you choose Trigger on: Signals, then you can choose between collapsed or expanded delta displays. You can also choose a combination of signal or strobe triggers. To use gating, Signals or Strobe or both must be selected.

The Triggers tab includes the following options:

List window gating information is saved as configuration statements when the list format is saved. The gating portion of a configuration statement might look like this:

configure list config -usegating 1
configure list config -gateduration 100
configure list config -gateexpr {<expression>} 

Model Technology Inc.
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase