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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Zooming - changing the waveform display range

Zooming lets you change the simulation range in the waveform pane. You can zoom with either the context menu, toolbar buttons, mouse, keyboard, or commands.

Using the Zoom menu

You can use the Wave window menu bar, or call up the context menu by clicking the right mouse button in the waveform pane.

The Zoom menu options include:

Zooming with toolbar buttons

These zoom buttons are available on the toolbar:

Zoom in 2x
zoom in by a factor of two from the current view
Zoom area
use the cursor to outline a zoom area
Zoom out 2x
zoom out by a factor of two from current view
Zoom Full
zoom out to view the full range of the simulation from time 0 to the current time

Zooming with the mouse

To zoom with the mouse, position the mouse cursor to the left side of the desired zoom interval, press the middle mouse button (three-button mouse), or <Ctrl>+left mouse button (two-button mouse), and while continuing to press, drag to the right and then release at the right side of the desired zoom interval.

Zooming keyboard shortcuts

See "Wave window mouse and keyboard shortcuts" for a complete list of Wave window keyboard shortcuts.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase