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Model Technology Inc.

Wave window mouse and keyboard shortcuts

The following mouse actions and keystrokes can be used in the Wave window.

Mouse action
< control - left-button - click on a scroll arrow >
scrolls window to very top or bottom(vertical scroll) or far left or right (horizontal scroll)
< middle mouse-button - click in scroll bar trough> (UNIX) only
scrolls window to position of click

i  I   or   +
zoom in
o  O  or  -
zoom out
f  or  F
zoom full; mouse pointer must be over the the cursor or waveform panes
l  or  L
zoom last
r  or  R
zoom range
<arrow up>
scroll waveform display up by selecting the item above the currently selected item
<arrow down>
scroll waveform display down by selecting the item below the currently selected item
<arrow left>
scroll waveform display left
<arrow right>
scroll waveform display right
<page up>
scroll waveform display up by a page
<page down>
scroll waveform display down by a page
search forward (right) to the next transition on the selected signal - finds the next edge
search backward (left) to the previous transition on the selected signal - finds the previous edge
<control-f> Windows
<control-s> UNIX
open the find dialog box; searches within the specified field in the pathname pane for text strings

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
Voice: (503) 641-1340
Fax: (503)526-5410
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase