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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Edit menu

cut the selected item and waveform from the Wave window; see "Editing and formatting HDL items in the Wave window"
copy the selected item and waveform
paste the previously cut or copied item above the currently selected item
delete the selected item and its waveform
Select All
Unselect All
select, or unselect, all item names in the name pane
combine the selected fields into a user-defined bus
Signal Breakpoints
add, edit, and delete signal breakpoints; see "Setting signal breakpoints"
sort the top-level items in the name pane; sort with full path name or viewed name; use ascending or descending order
find the specified item label within the pathname pane or the specified value within the value pane
search the waveform display for a specified value, or the next transition for the selected signal; see: "Searching for item values in the Wave window"
Justify Values
justify values to the left or right margins of the window pane
Display Properties
set display properties for signal path length, cursor snap distance, row margin, and dataset prefixes
Signal Properties
set label, height, color, radix, and format for the selected item (use the Format menu selections below to quickly change individual properties); also set properties related to waveform comparisons

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
Voice: (503) 641-1340
Fax: (503)526-5410
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase