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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

File menu

Open Dataset
open a dataset
New Divider
insert a divider at the current location
New Group
setup a new group element - a container for other items that can be moved, cut and pasted like other objects (NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED)
Save Format
save the current Wave window display and signal preferences to a DO (macro) file; running the DO file will reformat the Wave window to match the display as it appeared when the DO file was created
Load Format
run a Wave window format (DO) file previously saved with Save Format
Page Setup
setup page for printing; options include: paper size, margins, label width, cursors, color, scaling and orientation
Print (Windows only)
send the contents of the Wave window to a selected printer; options include:
All signals - print all signals
Current View - print signals in current view for the time displayed
Selected - print all or current view signals for user-designated time
Print Postscript
save or print the waveform display as a Postscript file; options include:
All Signals - print all signals
Current View - print signals in current view for the time displayed
Selected - print all or current view signals for user-designated time
New Window Pane
split the pathname, values and waveform window panes to provide room for a new waveset
Remove Window Pane
remove window split and active waveset
Refresh Display
clear the Wave window, empty the file cache, and rebuild the window from scratch
close this copy of the Wave window; you can create a new window with View > New from "The Main window menu bar"

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
Voice: (503) 641-1340
Fax: (503)526-5410
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase