Variables window
The Variables window is divided into two window panes. The left pane lists the names of HDL items within the current process. The right pane lists the current value(s) associated with each name. The pathname of the current process is displayed at the bottom of the window. (The internal variables of your design can remain hidden if you wish, see "Source code security and -nodebug" .)
HDL items you can view
The following HDL items for VHDL and Verilog are viewable within the Variables window.
VHDL items
constants, generics, and variables
Verilog items
The names of any VHDL composite types (arrays and record types) are shown in a hierarchical fashion. Hierarchy also applies to Verilog vector memories. (Verilog vector registers do not have hierarchy because they are not internally represented as arrays.) Hierarchy is indicated in typical ModelSim fashion with plus (expandable) and minus (expanded). See "Tree window hierarchical view" for more information.
To change the value of a VHDL variable, constant, or generic or a Verilog register variable, move the pointer to the desired name and click to highlight the selection. Select Edit > Change (Variables window) to bring up a dialog box that lets you specify a new value. Note that "Variable Name" is a term that is used loosely in this case to signify VHDL constants and generics as well as VHDL and Verilog register variables. You can enter any value that is valid for the variable. An array value must be specified as a string (without surrounding quotation marks). To modify the values in a record, you need to change each field separately.
Click on a process in the Process window to change the Variables window.
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