Operators Operator Description Operator Description && boolean and sll/SLL shift left logical || boolean or sla/SLA shift left arithmetic ! boolean not srl/SRL shift right logical == equal sra/SRA shift right arithmetic != not equal ror/ROR rotate right === exact equal rol/ROL rotate left !== exact not equal + arithmetic add < less than - arithmetic subtract <= less than or equal * arithmetic multiply > greater than / arithmetic divide >= greater than or equal mod/MOD arithmetic modulus not/NOT or ~ unary bitwise inversion rem/REM arithmetic remainder and/AND bitwise and |<vector_expr> OR reduction nand/NAND bitwise nand ^<vector_expr> XOR reduction or/OR bitwise or nor/NOR bitwise nor xor/XOR bitwise xor xnor/XNOR bitwise xnor Note: Arithmetic operators use the std_logic_arith package.