Syntax and Example

The keywords used are function at the head of the required code and endfunction to inform verilog that the function has been terminated. Function Invocation and Declaration syntax is given below.

statement = < function name > ( arguments to be passed );

function < range_or_type > < function name >;

The following example is purely for providing an idea of how the function is written and implemented within a Verilog module.

module adder:
reg [3 : 0] a;
reg [3 : 0] b;
reg [4 : 0] sum;
always@(a , b ) // a function call must be within an initial or always statement
function [4 : 0] ADD; // keyword < range_or_type > < function name >
input [3 : 0] first; // argument a is assigned to first
input [3 : 0] second; // argument b is assigned to second
Further Declarations ( Registers, Integers, Real Numbers, etc.)
begin // The functions actions has to be performed within a begin statement

endfunction // ADD

endmodule // adder

Some links to other information within the Verilog Function topic.
Tasks and Functions the Difference
Functions a Description