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Makes names defined in a library or package directly visible within another region of VHDL code. Typically written either at the top of an entity, giving access to common definitions from a package, or at the top of a configuration, giving access to the entities and architectures from a library.

Syntax ( Key to Notation )

use SelectedName, ... ;

SelectedName = {typically one of}


See Declaration, (VHDL) File, Configuration


If two uses attempt to make the same name visible from different places, then neither is visible. Similarly, a name made visible by a use will be hidden by a local definition of the same name.


use Lib.Pack.TypeName; does not make enumeration literals, operators or implicit declarations visible!


If two uses cancel each other out, the hidden item can be referenced using its selected name (e.g. Lib.Pack.Item).


use IEEE.Std_logic_1164.all;  -- The contents of the package
use WORK.Arith_Ops;           -- The package name only
use CMOS_TECH.all;            -- All the entities in the library

See Also

Library, (VHDL) File, Package, Name

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