Waveform Editor

Replacing Waveform Data

To replace the waveform data from one waveform to another:

  1. Open a waveform file.

  2. Select the entire waveform whose data you want to copy.

  3. Press the right button on the selected row, and choose Copy from the right button pop-up menu.

  4. Select the entire waveform whose data you want to replace.

  5. Choose Paste Special (Edit menu).  Shortcut

  6. Select Paste.  More Details 

  7. To replace only the waveform data without copying the node name, in the As list, select Waveform Block.

  8. To replace the entire waveform, in the As list, select Entire Waveform.

  9. Click OK.

Alternative Procedure for Replacing Waveform Data

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