Waveform Editor

Specifying Node Properties in a Waveform File

To modify the properties for a node in a waveform file:

  1. Open a waveform file.

  2. If necessary, add a comment.

  3. Select the entire waveform.

  4. Choose the Properties command.  Shortcut

  5. To rename the node, type the new name in the Name box.

  6. To change the node type, select or type the new type in Type.

  7. To change the value type, select or type the new type in Value type.

  8. To change the radix, select or type the new radix in Radix.

  9. To change the bus width, select or type the new width in Bus width.

  10. To store the value of the node as gray code and to display the equivalent binary count, turn on Display gray code count as binary count.

  11. Click OK.

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