
sld run (Tcl Script API Function)

The sld run function has the following format:

Syntax sld run <instance> <signal set> <trigger> <data log> [<timeout> [<check>] ]


The name of the instance that defines data acquisition.

<signal set>

The name of the signal set that defines data acquisition.


The name of the trigger that defines data acquisition.

<data log>

The name of the data log to be recorded.


The timeout period for data acquisition in seconds. This argument is optional. By default, data acquisition does not stop until data acquisition conditions are met.


Optional argument that indicates whether to compare the data acquisition conditions with the last compilation result. Comparison is performed only if the project with which the SignalTap® II File (.stp) was compiled is open. Otherwise, the check is ignored. Value is 1.

Return Value

Code Name Code String Return
TCL_OK 0 Data have been acquired successfully.
TCL_ERROR 1 Session has not been opened.
TCL_ERROR 1 Instance, signal set, or trigger does not exist.
TCL_ERROR 1 Trigger is not compatible with chip.
TCL_ERROR 1 Trigger has not occurred within the timeout period.
TCL_ERROR 1 Device is busy. No data acquisition performed within the timeout period.
TCL_ERROR 1 Data acquisition stopped unexpectedly.
Description Starts data acquisition on the specified conditions in the session and saves data into the specified data log within the timeout period.

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