
project generate_tcl_file (Tcl Script API Function)

The project generate_tcl_file function has the following format:

Syntax project generate_tcl_file <name> [-c | compile] [-s | simulate] [-b | build] [-w | overwrite]


The name of the Tcl Script File (.tcl) to be generated.
The Tcl Script File saves to the relative directory unless the full path is specified.

-c | compile

Option that adds instructions to compile using the current Compiler settings for the project.

-s | simulate

Option that adds instructions to simulate using the current Simulator settings for the project.

-b | build

Option that adds instructions to build using the current software build settings for the project.

-w | overwrite

Option that overwrites files in the target directory. When this option is not used, no existing files are overwritten.

Return Value

Code Name Code String Return
TCL_OK 0 Project's Tcl Script File successfully generated: <name>
TCL_ERROR 1 No project is currently open
TCL_ERROR 1 wrong # args: should be generate_tcl_file name options
options are: [-c | compile][-s | simulate][-b | build][-w | overwrite]
TCL_ERROR 1 A Tcl transaction is in progress and must be completed before executing: generate_tcl_file
TCL_ERROR 1 generate_tcl_file is not available in command-line mode
TCL_ERROR 1 [option] is not recognized, should be: generate_tcl_file name [-c | compile]
[-s | simulate] [ -b | build]
[-w | overwrite]
TCL_ERROR 1 <name> file already exists
TCL_ERROR 1 No active compiler settings
TCL_ERROR 1 No active simulator settings
TCL_ERROR 1 No active software build settings
TCL_ERROR 1 Can't create or overwrite file
TCL_ERROR 1 Can't access the assignment and configuration files
Description Generates a Tcl Script File (.tcl) that replicates the settings for a whole project.

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