
project archive (Tcl Script API Function)

The project archive function has the following format:

Syntax project archive <archive_name> [-o | outputs] [-l | libs] [-w | overwrite] [-u | update] [<adder_file>] [<removal_file>]


The name of the archive file that contains a project and its related files in a single, compressed Quartus® II Archive File (.qar). This is the only required argument.

-o | outputs

Option that includes compilation and simulation output files in the archive. Use is optional.

-l | libs

Option that includes related system libraries in the archive. Use is optional.

-u | update

Option that overwrites a currently existing archive file with a file of the same name. Without it, you cannot create a new archive file if there is an existing one. Use is optional.

-w | overwrite

Option that overwrites the files in an archive file selection. Use this option with the <adder_file> argument to replace files in the archive file selection with files of the same name from different directories. If you do not use this option, no automatically selected files in the selection list are overwritten. Use is optional.


Name of the text file that lists additional files that you want to add to the archive file selection. The <adder_file> name must always start with "add", for example, addus.txt. An optional argument.
The following rules apply: only one <adder_file> is allowed per archiving command; the content of a file is the list of legal file names, one per line; the names may be absolute or relative to the project directory; standard wildcards are allowed, such as * or ?; and the files are matched by name only, regardless of the full directory path; for example, d:\dir_one\file_name.txt can replace c:\dir_two\file_name.txt in the archive selection list.


Name of the text file that lists all the files that you want to remove from the archive file selection. The <removal_file> name must always start with "rem" for example, remus.txt. An optional argument.
This argument follows the same rules as for the<adder_file> argument above. If you specify both an <adder_file> and <removal_file>, the <removal_file> argument is applied to the file selection first.

Return Value

Code Name Code String Return
TCL_OK 0 Project successfully archived.
For more information, view Quartus® II messages and the Quartus II Archive Log File (<file_name>.qarlog).
TCL_ERROR 1 wrong # args: should be "<archive_name> <optional_arguments>"
<optional_arguments> are: [-u | update] [-w | overwrite] [-l | libs] [-o | outputs] [<adder_file>] [<removal_file>]"
TCL_ERROR 1 Some files could not be processed.
For more information, view Quartus II messages and the Quartus II Archive Log File (<file_name>.qarlog).

Provides a method of backing up a project and its related files in the form of a single QAR File. The list of files to be archived is selected automatically and can be added to or changed. Any file or directory name, if not absolute, is assumed relative to the project directory. Optional arguments or options can come in any sequence.

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