
cmp write_routing_constraints (Tcl Script API Function)

The cmp write_routing_constraints function has the following format:

Syntax cmp write_routing_constraints  [<file_path>] [<options>]
<file_path> Specifies the name and path of the file in which to write the routing constraints. By default, the name and path is <project directory>/<compiler setting name>.rcf. An optional argument.
<options> Specify -USE_PRE_ROUTING_PORT_NAMES to use pre-routing port names when writing constraints. Default uses final route port names. An optional argument.

Return Value

Code Name Code String Return


TCL_ERROR 1 no project is currently open
TCL_ERROR 1 project has no active compiler settings
TCL_ERROR 1 wrong # args: should be "cmp write_routing_constraints file_path options"
Description Writes the Routing Constraints File (.rcf) of the last compilation to the specified file.

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