
cmp find_tsu (Tcl Script API Function)

The cmp find_tsu function has the following format:

Syntax cmp find_tsu <pin id> <reg id> <clk id>

<pin id>

The pin id for which you want to find the tSU.
Use empty double quotation marks ("") to return the delay for all pins. However, either the pin or register must have an actual id; for example, if the pin is blank (""), then the register must have an actual id.

<reg id>

The register id for which you want to find the tSU.
Use empty double quotation marks ("") to return the delay for all registers. However, either the pin or register must have an actual id; for example, if the register is blank (""), then the pin must have an actual id.

<clk id>

The clock id for which you want to find the tSU.
Use empty double quotation marks ("") to return the delay for all clocks.

Return Value

Code Name Code String Return

list of <pin id> <reg id> <clk id> <delay> ns in the form:
<pin id 1> <reg id 1> <clk id 1> <delay 1> ns {<pin id 2> <reg id 2> <clk id 2> <delay 2> ns} {...}

TCL_ERROR 1 wrong # args. Usage: cmp find_tsu pin_id reg_id clk_id
Description Finds the setup times (tSU) for the specified pin, register, and clock. Delays are expressed in the form <number> ns. You can determine the id number for <pin id>, <reg id>, and <clk id> by using the cmp get_timing_nodes function. (Based on the id, you can obtain the node name using the cmp get_timing_node_info function.)

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