Report window

Priority LAB Column Interconnect Section (Compilation Report)

Displays the number of lines plus the number of half-lines (that is, lines that traverse half of the device in a vertical direction) used by the Priority FastTrack® column interconnect channels, which are part of the FastTrack interconnect and route signals throughout a column of LAB structures. This section is omitted if you are not using a Mercury device.

Information is provided as follows:

Heading Description
Col. Shows the LAB column number where the priority column interconnect channel is located.
Lines Available Shows the total number of priority column interconnect lines and half-lines available for use by signals in the design.
Lines Used Shows the number and the percentage of priority column interconnect lines used by signals in the design.
Half-Lines Used Shows the number and the percentage of priority column interconnect half-lines used by signals in the design.


The following example shows the Priority LAB Column Interconnect section for a sample design:

Priority LAB Column Interconnect Section (Compilation Report)

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