Report Window

HSDI Section (Compilation Report)

Displays information regarding usage of HSDI PLLs in Mercury devices. This section is omitted if the design does not include HSDI PLLs.

Information is provided as follows:

Heading Description Value
Name Shows the HSDI instance name. <HSDI instance name>
Function Shows the function of the HSDI interface. Transmitter | Receiver
Clock Shows the clock instance name. <Clock instance name>
Data Width Shows the value you set for the DESERIALIZATION_FACTOR parameter for the HSDI receiver or transmitter megafunction. This parameter specifies the number of bits per channel. 4 | 7 | 8
Mode Shows the mode in which the HSDI receiver is operating. Enhanced LVDS | LVDS | CDR
Use FIFO Shows whether the HSDI receiver is using its synchronizing FIFO. yes | no


The following example shows the HSDI section for a sample design:

HSDI Section (Compilation Report)

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