Report Window

More Details About Selecting Sections of the Report to Print or to Include in a Text-Format or HTML-Format Report File

When you select a section for printing or to include in an Text-Format Report File (.rpt) or HTML-Format Report File (.htm), the section is marked by a printer icon printer placed to the left of the section name in the Report Window Contents. When you deselect the section, the printer icon is removed.

If all the sections in a folder (including the sections in the folder's subfolders) are marked with the printer icon, the folder is also marked with the printer icon. If one or more, but not all, sections in a folder (including the sections in the folder's subfolders) are marked with the printer icon, the folder is marked with a dimmed printer icon dimmed printer.

You can also select all sections in a folder by selecting the folder and turning on Include Report Section in Print List (File menu). However, you cannot use this method to select all sections in a folder if the folder is marked with a dimmed printer icon. You can deselect all sections in a folder by selecting the name of the folder and turning off Include Report Section In Print List.

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