Report Window

More Details About Navigating the Report Window

When you choose Go > Previous Section, Go > Next Section, Go > Back, or Go > Forward (View menu), the section name of the section you open is highlighted in the Report Window Contents. If the section name for the opened section is located in a collapsed folder, the folder expands automatically.

The Previous Section, Next Section, Back, and Forward commands are dimmed to indicate that they are unavailable in the following situations:

Command (View menu) Dimmed When
Previous Section
  • There is no section open in the Section window.

  • The section currently open is the first section in the Report Window Contents.

Next Section
  • There is no section open in the Section window.

  • The section currently open is the last section in the Report Window Contents.

  • There is no section open in the Section window.

  • The section currently open is the first section you opened since opening the Report window.

  • There is no section open in the Section window.

  • You have not used the Back command to open the current section.

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