Report Window

Save Current Report Section As Command (File Menu)

Saves the following Report window information as the specified file types:

Report Window Section You Can Save

Format in Which You Can Save the Section

Messages section Text File (.txt)
Simulation Waveforms section

Vector Table Output File (.tbl)

Vector Waveform File (.vwf)

Logical Memories section

Hexadecimal File (.hex)

Memory Initialization File (.mif)

Verilog Value Change Dump File (.vcd)

Section containing a regular table

Comma-Separated Value File (.csv)

Tab-Separated Value File (.txt)

Section in the Timing Analyses folder containing a delay table

Comma-Separated Value File (.csv)

Tab-Separated Value File (.txt)

Timing Analyzer Output File (.tao)

Section in the Timing Analyses folder containing a speed performance table

Comma-Separated Value File (.csv)

Timing Analyzer Output File (.tao)

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