
Quartus II Command-Line Syntax

The Quartus® II command-line commands allow you to operate the Quartus II software from a UNIX or DOS prompt.

NOTE Altera® strongly recommends that you not use a slash (/) preceding command-line commands from a UNIX prompt as this may cause serious problems. In addition, you cannot use the slash (/) preceding command-line commands from a DOS prompt when operating the command-line version of the Quartus II software.

The following Quartus II command-line commands are available when you are operating the Quartus II graphical user interface:

Commands to Enter from a UNIX or DOS Prompt Commands to Enter from a DOS Prompt Description
quartus -regserver Return quartus /regserver Return Registers the Quartus II software by adding entries to the system registry, which the Quartus II software uses during operation. After the command completes successfully, you can start the Quartus II software. Although generally needed only at the time of installation, the command fixes system registry corruption or problems running the Quartus II software.
quartus -reset_desktop Return quartus /reset_desktop Return Resets the default settings for the entire desktop in the Quartus II software by clearing out all stored dockable window position settings, toolbar position settings, and toolbar customization. After the command completes successfully, you can then start the Quartus II software. You can also type this command to fix problems relating to registry corruption (for example, if the desktop section of the registry is corrupted).
quartus -h Return quartus /h Return Brings up Help and opens this topic: "Quartus II Command-Line Syntax."
quartus -? Return quartus /? Return Brings up Help and opens this topic: "Quartus II Command-Line Syntax."
quartus -f <script_file> Return quartus /f <script_file> Return Starts the Quartus II software and runs the script specified by <script_file>.


The following Quartus II command-line commands are available when you are operating the command-line version of the Quartus II software:

Commands to Enter from a UNIX or DOS Prompt Description
quartus_cmd Return Brings up Quartus II command-line Help, which includes information about the Quartus II version number.
quartus_cmd -h Return Brings up Quartus II command-line Help, which includes information about the Quartus II version number.
quartus_cmd -? Return Brings up Quartus II command-line Help, which includes information about the Quartus II version number.
quartus_cmd -f <script_file> Return Starts the command-line version of the Quartus II software and runs the script specified by <script_file>.
quartus_cmd <project_name> -c <CSF> Return Compiles the design with the Compiler Settings File (.csf) (specified by <CSF>) in the project (specified by <project_name>).
quartus_cmd <project_name> -s <SSF> Return Simulates the design with the Simulator Settings File (.ssf) (specified by <SSF>) in the project (specified by <project_name>).
quartus_cmd <project_name> -w <Software Build Settings File> Return Builds the design with the Software Build Settings File (.fsf) (specified by <Software Build Settings File>) in the project (specified by <project_name>).
quartus_cmd <project_name> -c <CSF>  » <name>.txt Return Saves messages to a text file (specified by <name>.txt) during a compilation, rather than waiting until the completion of the compilation of a project (specified by <project_name>) with the Compiler Settings File (.csf) (specified by <CSF>). You can view messages after compilation, regardless of how compilation is terminated.

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