Block Editor

Specifying I/O Properties for a Block

To specify block properties on the I/O tab (Block Properties command):

  1. If you have not already done so, open or create a Block Design File (.bdf).

  2. Select the appropriate block.

  3. Choose Properties (Edit menu).  Shortcut

  4. In the Block Properties dialog box, click the I/O tab.

  5. To specify the I/O name, under I/O, type or select a name in the Name list.

  6. If you want to add more than one I/O name with the same specified I/O direction, type a comma-delimited list of I/O names in the Name list.

  7. To add a new I/O or new I/Os, click Add.

  8. Under I/O, select or type the type in the Type list for each I/O or group of comma-delimited I/Os.

  9. To assign a new type for an existing I/O, click Change.

  10. To delete an I/O, select an I/O from the Existing block I/Os list, and click Delete.

  11. Click any other tab to specify more block properties or click OK.

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