Trigger In

Allows you to enable the trigger input signal for the selected instance, and to specify a logic condition in the Pattern list in order to synchronize the trigger process to a signal from outside the programmable logic device. You must use an I/O pin to connect the external signal to the SignalTap® II Logic Analyzer trigger input signal. The trigger input signal can be a signal from your design, a signal in a different instance in your design, or a device I/O pin.

The trigger input pin is named auto_stp_trigger_in_0 by default, where 0 represents the instance number. However, you can rename the trigger input pin.

In the Pattern list, you can set the specified trigger input pin to recognize any of the the following logic conditions:

Logic Condition Description
ELA Don't care Signal condition doesn’t matter.
ELA High Signal must be high for the trigger to occur.
ELA Low Signal must be low for the trigger to occur.
ELA Falling Edge Signal must be falling for the trigger to occur.
ELA Rising Edge Signal must be rising for the trigger to occur.
ELA Either Edge Signal must be either rising or falling for the trigger to occur.

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