EDA Interfaces

Example of a Verilog Design File with LPM Function Instantiation

For any parameterized function in the Synplicity Synplify software, you must declare all parameters used in the function, and their values. The following example shows a Verilog HDL file that instantiates the lpm_ram_dq function. A comment in the Module Declaration contains the syn_black_box directive and parameter names and values. This comment must immediately follow the port list and precede the closing semicolon (;). When you instantiate an LPM function, the LPM function name must be specified as the value of the LPM_TYPE parameter. In addition, each parameter must be listed on a separate line.

The following example shows a direct instantiation of an LPM function. To use the MegaWizard® Plug-In Manager (Tools menu) to create the function, and then instantiate it in a design, refer to Create a Design for Use with the Synplify Software.

// Define the black box
module myram64x16 (data,address,inclock,outclock,we,q)
/* syn_black_box 

   LPM_TYPE="LPM_RAM_DQ"  */ ; 

input [15:0] data;
input [5:0] address;
input inclock, outclock;
input we;
output [15:0] q;


// Instantiate the LPM parameterized module in the 
//    higher-level module myram
module myram(clock, we, data, address, q);
input clock, we;
input [15:0] data;
input [5:0] address;
output [15:0] q;

       myram_64x16 inst1 (data, address, clock, clock, we, q);


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