
Alternative Procedure for Opening the Assignment Organizer Dialog Box from an Editor

To open the Assignment Organizer dialog box from the Block or Symbol Editor:

  1. Open a Block or Symbol Editor file.

  2. Right-click the object or symbol whose assignments you want to view or edit, and choose Assignment Organizer (right button pop-up menu).


To open the Assignment Organizer dialog box from the Text Editor or Waveform Editor:

  1. Open a Text Editor file or a Waveform Editor file.

  2. Right-click the node or group name whose assignments you want to view or edit, and choose Assignment Organizer (right button pop-up menu).


To open the Assignment Organizer dialog box from the Floorplan Editor:

  1. Open the Current Assignments floorplan.

  2. Right-click a pin or node name whose assignments you want to view or edit, and choose Assignment Organizer (right button pop-up menu).

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