
Alternative Procedure for Back-Annotating Assignments for a Project

To back-annotate assignments for the current project:

  1. If you have not already done so, create a new project or open an existing project.

  2. If you have not already done so, compile a design.

  3. Choose Assignment Organizer (Assignments menu).

  4. Click the By Category tab.

  5. Click Back-Annotate.

  6. Under Assignment(s) to back-annotate, select Device assignments, Pin & device assignments, Pin, cell & device assignments, Pin, cell, routing & device assignments, or Region write-back.

  7. If you select Pin, cell & device assignments, you can also turn on Demote cell assignments and select LABs, MegaLAB rows, MegaLAB columns, MegaLABs, LABs/ESBs, LABs/EABs, rows, or columns from the list.

  8. Click OK.

  9. If you select Pin, cell, routing & device assignments under Assignment(s) to back-annotate, and therefore generate a Routing Constraints File (.rcf) that contains back-annotated routing constraints, specify that the Compiler use the back-annotated routing constraints during compilation.

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