Using the IBX-100

Getting going...

You plug the unit in, press the yellow Internet icon (with the keyboard closed), and the TV should automatically switch to the unit, showing you the main menu...
The main screen

Highlight the "World Wide Web", option, if it isn't already, press the SELECT button, and you'll be connected...


Once you've connected and registered yourself with Bush, it might be worth looking around the options to see what may be configured to suit your personal tastes.

The options screen


Configuration quibbles

There is no way to save web pages (even with the hidden facility to attach a Zip drive), your only option is to print the pages. Consider this my first gripe...
Setting up your printer

...two Canon printers and a Lexmark? Purleeeease!

Why not something like:

These options would be a lot more useful to most people (my second gripe).
(examining the ROM dump, it suggests that adding additional printers shouldn't be too traumatic provided the printer software can cope, but... it seems that the required printer files may be missing - I would really love to plug my IBX into my DeskJet 500 (or Canon BJ-10e) printer(s), so I'll keep you posted).


Then we reach my third gripe. The web page formatting has three sizes of text, and an option to auto-resize the pages to fit the screen width. Why not, for advanced users, other options such as:

JPEG; 8K   JPEG; 7K   JPEG; 7K
Examples of large, medium, and small text


Continue (going on-line, tables and frames...)

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Copyright © 2002 Richard Murray