
Fall 2007

innovative programmable logic solutions

Top Ten
to Use

  1. ARM Processors Now Optimized for FPGAs — Recognizing that processor usage in FPGAs is growing, ARM collaborated with Actel to design Cortex-M1, the first ARM processor developed specifically for use in FPGAs.
  2. Cortex-M1 is FREE — This core is FREE for use in Actel flash-based FPGAs, and requires no license fees, no royalties, and no price adder, reducing cost of entry.
  3. No Commitment — Cortex-M1 in Actel FPGAs is available without contracts to negotiate, reducing hassle and red tape, allowing designers to get to work sooner on their project.
  4. Cortex-M1 is Small and Fast — This soft core offers an optimal balance between processor hardware and software speed in flash-based FPGAs.
  5. Cortex-M1 in the Only True Nonvolatile Flash FPGAs — Actel Flash FPGAs offer users low-power, single-chip, live-at-power-up, firm-error- immune, and highly secure solutions.
  6. Build Your Own Processor — In Actel FPGAs, Cortex-M1 is fully implemented in the FPGA fabric so you can select only the peripherals needed, program the processor to the board, and be ready to code the application.
  7. Design ARM MCU in Seconds — Drag and drop Actel-supplied IP or custom IP into Actel's easy-to-use processor design tool, and link seamlessly to FPGA layout tools.
  8. Migrate Existing Code — Cortex-M1 can run existing Thumb® code, allowing easy reuse of the huge volume of available industry-standard ARM software.
  9. Cortex-M1 in the World's First Mixed-Signal PSC — Cortex-M1 is available in Actel's Fusion PSC—the world's only mixed-signal PSC.
  10. Cortex-M1 Simple Path to ASIC — Cortex-M1 is a member of ARM's next-generation processor family and is fully upward-compatible with Cortex-M3, giving users a real path to ASIC implementation when needed.

Cortex-M1 now available from Actel at no extra charge

M1 ProASIC3M1 IGLOOM1 Fusion

To learn more about Cortex-M1, visit: