to High-Density Programmable Design: Part 3 of 4 By Lee Hansen, Xilinx Software
Product Marketing Manager, EEdesign Mar 23, 2001 (7:19 AM) URL: http://www.eedesign.com/story/OEG20010323S0005
In Review In
Part 1 of this four-part series on high-density programmable logic design, we
focused on partitioning the overall design and getting prepared for design
entry. Using Xilinx High-Level Floor planner, we have a high-density device
partitioned into manageable modules based on entry method, timing concerns and
keeping anticipated signal delays to a minimum.
In Part 2 we looked at high-density design capture, both language-based and
various graphical capture methods. We discussed the concerns surrounding the
selection and use of the rapidly growing area of Intellectual Property to
fulfill design needs.
In this article we?l explore implementation: place and route, timing
constraints and synthesis. Also, we will examine how to get the design from
concept through capture and onto the device, and the special problems
high-density designs bring to the implementation stage. Implementation is where
the rubber meets the road for all logic design work--the best design is useless
if it can? be programmed onto the FPGA, and the most advanced FPGA offers the
user no advantage if its features can? be programmed. Implementation is the
domain where design and device merge.
Modular Design Before we leap into implementation, refer back to
Article 1 and how we attacked this high-density project by first partitioning
our device into modules. These modules are now being realized separately. Since
we?e started with that floor plan, we can now leverage a new technology, Xilinx
Modular Design, that was pioneered by Xilinx to make high-density design even
Xilinx Modular Design is a productivity option that works in addition to the
ISE design software. With it, all Xilinx implementation tools can be used
independently and completely on each module of the design, enabling design teams
to work in parallel to complete their individual modules. And once a module is
complete those synthesis and routing results are locked in place according to
the device floor plan. If one module must change, the surrounding modules all
remain locked with their results and timing guaranteed.
Modular Design delivers speed and productivity in high-density designs by
offering a true team design environment that allows parallel implementation of
the partitioned design modules. But more important, Modular Design treats each
module as a separate design by completing and then locking down implementation
results on a module-by-module basis. A change to one module does not affect the
implementation or timing of completed modules. High-density designs are finished
much faster than in a traditional serial design flow.
Timing Constraints As we're accelerating device completion by
working on smaller design modules, and as each of those modules can be
implemented separately, most of the discussion around timing constraints for
synthesis is very similar to general synthesis rules for small to medium
designs. However, there are a few key factors worth repeating that will affect
high-density implementation results.
Don't over-constrain. Many designers operate under the mistaken belief that
over-constraining a module will guarantee timing. But it can force the synthesis
tool to introduce extra gates into the finished module, a crucial mistake in
high-density design work. One technique you can consider is to begin
implementation by synthesizing without timing constraints. Let the synthesis
tool work for the best design and point out the areas that will cause problems,
then go back and work to constrain only those portions of the module.
Timing can also be seriously affected by the "synthesizability" of the design
code. In December, Xilinx announced the 1.0 coding style guide for the Synopsys
LEDA tool language checkers. The LEDA set of tools can verify your module
against standard good-coding practices. This reduces the chances that problems
will crop up during implementation because of bad coding styles, like
introducing unnecessary latches into the finished module that cause timing
analysis mistakes. And LEDA tools are also flexible for customized coding styles
to be programmed, to assure that your design meets your own specific corporate
coding standards.
Physical Synthesis The two most time-intensive steps in
implementation are place and route and synthesis. These two critical design
phases are loops of multiple iteration where the designer spends most of the
design effort attempting to close timing requirements for a module. A good deal
of time can be spent running synthesis to the point where timing estimates come
close to expectations, then place and route is run to lock down that synthesis
run so that timing can be accurately verified to make sure design goals have
actually been achieved. More often than not the design must be tweaked and
re-tweaked with either synthesis or place and route or both having to be run
over and over before design goals are finally met. This has been the standard
implementation flow in logic design for years.
Xilinx has pioneered a new technology for programmable logic to help shorten
the design cycle. Physical synthesis between Xilinx ISE software and its
synthesis partners makes the implementation loop much more intelligent. In
physical synthesis, the synthesis step now has knowledge of the floor plan, the
physical device configuration and early placement knowledge, and can thus make
decisions to help speed the overall design results. Place and route can also
pass timing information back to the synthesis tool once critical delays have
been identified. The number of iterations seen by the engineer using traditional
implementation methods is reduced and device performance is increased.
Physical synthesis for Xilinx design flows works with its place-and-route
tools and its synthesis partner tools with Synplicity and Exemplar and Xilinx'
own synthesis software, XST, for Xilinx Synthesis Technology.
Meeting Timing Requirements High-density design implies squeezing
as much into the device and, consequently, the module as is physically possible.
This simultaneously pushes the envelope of device performance and clock speeds.
If you've tweaked and re-tweaked using all the implementation tools at your
disposal and you're still not meeting device performance, are you stuck at
retargeting to a higher performance device? Not necessarily.
Xilinx includes XST in the ISE development product kits. It focuses on
optimizing Xilinx programmable device technology and implementation barriers and
passing those technology solutions onto the company's synthesis partnerships
with Synplicity, Synopsys and Exemplar.
If you're running just below the edge of your performance requirement try
running an implementation pass through XST. If you get better speeds, you may
have saved several passes of circuit tuning; if not, you've only lost the one
synthesis pass.
Coming Up In the conclusion of this series next month we discuss
verification and reprogrammability. Go to www.xilinx.com/xlnx/xil_prodcat_landingpage.jsp?title=Design+Tools
for more information on Xilinx ISE software capabilities.
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