EE481 Parts Kit, Fall 2003

The parts listed below are the recommended kit for EE481 Lab. They are available as a kit from the IEEE parts store in AH 560. It is also possible to buy the parts individually online or at Radio Shack, but you are likely to pay more because the IEEE buys the parts in bulk and sells them to you near cost.

I also recommend getting a box to carry your kit in. Fishing tackel boxes or sewing boxes are usually fairly good because they have many compartments in which you can store small parts. You can find good, inexpensive boxes at places like Walmart or Lowes. If you have a wiring kit from a previous lab you can get wires from it. Otherwise we can supply you with wire.


Type Quantity
Resistors 390 8
  1k 4
  10k 4
Timer LM555 1
TTL chips 74LS00 5
  74LS02 3
  74LS04 3
  74LS08 2
  74LS10 2
  74LS14 1
  74LS32 3
  74LS86 2
  74LS138 1
  74LS148 1
  74LS169 2
  74LS194 2
  74LS273 1
  74LS283 1
LEDs 7 segment 1
  single led 4
Bread Board any 1
Wire Stripper any 1

If you want to test your logic circuits at home you might want to get a diode that will drop at least 0.6 V or if you want to get fancy you could get a LM7805 or LM340-5.0 voltage regulator which the IEEE parts store often stocks. Datasheets for both voltage regulators are online at National Semiconductor's website as well as others. Neither the voltage regualtors nor the diodes are required parts.