Need for Configuration

-- Notes Page --

The configuration construct allows the designer to choose exactly what model a component will use. During the design process, various parts of the design can be parceled off to various teams or people. VHDL supports this "divide and conquer" strategy. However, once all the pieces have been developed, they must be brought together in a rational manner. Architectures may be developed without knowing the exact details of the components. Therefore, the exact component model must be chosen when compilation occurs. The configuration statement allows the designer to choose the component model appropriate for the design.

The configuration statement must account for many differences between the entity and the component. First, the entity name may be different than the component name. Second, the entity declaration may have more ports that the component declaration. A more generic part may have been developed with additional ports to keep the parts count down. However, these extra ports cannot be ignored. Finally, the ports of the entity may have different names than those on the component declaration. These different port names must be matched.