SDSP Microprocessor Organization

-- Notes Page --

The SDSP processor is a full 32-bit system (both data and instructions). It is organized along the lines of a RISC architecture. For example, every instruction is exactly 32-bits in length (plus 32-bit displacement if needed).

To keep the SDSP simple there are a few capabilities missing. For example, the SDSP has no interrupt capability, nor does it have subroutine support. But due to the nature of the model, these items can be very easily and quickly added. The three condition code register bits are updated after each arithmetic or logical instruction.

Z - zero bit
set if the result is zero
N - negative bit
set if the result of an arithmetic instruction is negative
V - overflow bit
set if a carry or borrow is created from MSB or LSB, respectively
The PC is set to zero on reset, and the values in the other registers are not specified. By convention, R0 is read-only and always contains zero (not enforced by hardware). The PC is incremented to point to the next address after each instruction is fetched.