Mix and Match

-- Notes Page --

We show here how wait statements can be used to synchronize the execution of processes, and also how to sensitize a process to signal changes in another process.

In this example, the DoSomething process does not execute until AnotherSignal changes value. Then we generate a transaction for ThisSignal by assigning it a value of '1 and wait for 10 ns. Since the delay time for ThisSignal <= '1' is only one delta cycle, ThisSignal is updated to have the value '1' on the next delta cycle.

After waiting 10 ns, DoSomething assigns a value of '0' to ThisSignal; ThisSignal will actually take on the new value after one delta cycle. Execution of DoSomething is then suspended until AnotherSignal becomes '1'. When execution resumes, ThisSignal is set to '1' and the process immediately repeats from the top.