\begin{theindex} \item 64 registers, 35 \item 64-bit RISC microprocessor, 12 \item 64-bit processor, 34 \indexspace \item abs, 105 \item absolute value, 105 \item add, 78 \item add/sub unit, 55 \item addi, 85 \item addition, 78 \item addition and substraction, 93 \item addition immediate, 85 \item addsub, 93 \item adjust the endianess, store the result in memory and update the pointer, 168 \item adjust the endianess, store the result in memory and update the pointer with an immediate number, 170 \item adjust the endianness and store the result in memory, 165 \item alien technology, 51 \item ALPHA, 18, 34 \item ARM, 18, 29 \indexspace \item bit reverse, 127 \item bit reverse immediate, 129 \item bit scrambling unit, 53 \item bitop, 125 \item bitopi, 126 \item bitrev, 127 \item bitrevi, 129 \item bitwise logic, 144 \item bitwise logic immediate, 146 \item byte reverse, 130 \item byterev, 130 \indexspace \item cache, 50 \item cache memory management, 172 \item cachemm, 172 \item call convention, 198 \item carry flag, 39 \item CDC6600, 34 \item CMB, 40 \item cmpl, 101 \item cmple, 102 \item cmplei, 104 \item cmpli, 103 \item compare for lower, 101 \item compare for lower or equal, 102 \item compare for lower or equal with immediate, 104 \item compare for lower with immediate, 103 \item conditional jump, 184 \item conditionnally move a register into another, 174 \item Context MemoryBlocks, 40 \item Cost, 18 \item crossbar, 46 \indexspace \item dbitrev, 131 \item dbitrevi, 132 \item dec, 97 \item decrement, 97 \item div, 84 \item divi, 88 \item division, 84 \item division immediate, 88 \item double bit reverse, 131 \item double bit reverse immediate, 132 \item double shift left immediate, 134 \item double shift left logical, 133 \item double shift right immediate logic, 136 \item double shift right logical, 135 \item dshift, 133 \item dshiftli, 134 \item dshiftr, 135 \item dshiftri, 136 \indexspace \item endianless, 39 \item EV-4, 18 \item evolution, 47 \item Execution Units, 51 \item expand, 141 \indexspace \item F-CPU, 1, 47 \item F-CPU project, 12 \item F1, 49 \item f2int, 151 \item fadd, 148 \item faddsub, 162 \item FC0, 13, 31, 44, 47, 49, 197, 199 \item fcmpl, 156 \item fcmple, 155 \item fdiv, 157 \item fexp, 160 \item fiaprx, 153 \item Flags Size, 37 \item float compare for lower, 156 \item float compare for lower or equal, 155 \item Floating Point, 147 \item floating point addition, 148 \item floating point addition and substraction, 162 \item floating point division, 157 \item floating point exponential, 160 \item floating point inverse approximation, 153 \item floating point logarithm, 159 \item floating point multiplication, 150 \item floating point multiply and accumulate, 161 \item floating point square root, 158 \item floating point square root inverse approximation, 154 \item floating point substraction, 149 \item floating point to integer conversion, 151 \item flog, 159 \item fmac, 161 \item fmul, 150 \item FPU, 17 \item Frame Pointer, 198 \item Free Software, 15 \item Freedom, 14 \item Freedom CPU, 1 \item Freedom CPU Project Constitution, 29 \item fsqrt, 158 \item fsqrtiaprx, 154 \item fsub, 149 \item Functions Arguments, 198 \indexspace \item generalized registers, 38 \item get, 177 \item get the value of a special register and write it to a register, 177 \item get the value of a special register defined by an immediate value and write it to a register, 181 \item geti, 181 \item Global Offset Table, 198 \indexspace \item halt, 191 \item halt the cpu, 191 \indexspace \item IA64, 36 \item inc, 96 \item increment, 96 \item increment unit, 54 \item int to lns conversion, 114 \item int2f, 152 \item int2l, 114 \item integer divide unit, 56 \item integer multiply unit, 55 \item integer to floating point conversion, 152 \item IRQ, 35 \item IRQHANDLER, 35 \indexspace \item jmp, 184 \item jump, 184 \indexspace \item l2int, 113 \item ladd, 111 \item LEON, 14, 18 \item Linux, 18 \item lns addition, 111 \item lns substract, 112 \item lns to int conversion, 113 \item load, 163, 166 \item load a constant into a register, 176 \item load a memory item into a register and adjust the endianness, 163 \item load a memory item into a register, adjust the endianess and update the pointer with an immediate number, 169 \item load a memory item into a register, adjust the endianness and update the pointer, 166 \item load a relative address to a register, 186 \item load a relative address to a register with an immediate offset, 187 \item load and store without caching, 171 \item load multiple registers from memory, 179 \item Load/Store unit, 56 \item loadaddr, 186 \item loadaddri, 187 \item loadcons, 176 \item loadf, 171 \item loadi, 169 \item loadif, 171 \item loadm, 179 \item logic, 144 \item logici, 146 \item loop, 189 \item loop entry point, 188 \item loop to r2 if r1 has not expired, 189 \item loopentry, 188 \item lsub, 112 \item LUT, 50 \indexspace \item M2M, 16 \item mac, 91 \item max, 106 \item maxi, 108 \item maximum, 106 \item maximum immediate, 108 \item Merced, 17 \item Merced (IA64), 34 \item min, 107 \item mini, 109 \item minimum, 107 \item minimum immediate, 109 \item MIPS, 18, 34 \item mix, 139 \item move, 174 \item mul, 82 \item muli, 87 \item multiplication, 82 \item multiplication immediate, 87 \item multiply and accumulate, 91 \indexspace \item neg, 98 \item negation, 98 \item no condition code register, 39 \item No Operation, 183 \item nop, 183 \indexspace \item OOO, 44 \item Open Source, 15 \item operating system call, 190 \item OS, 18 \item Out Of Order Completion, 44 \indexspace \item P6, 45 \item PGP-breaker CPU, 37 \item POPC, 56 \item POPCOUNT, 50 \item popcount, 94 \item popcounti, 95 \item population count, 94 \item population count unit, 56 \item population count with immediate substract, 95 \item PowerPC, 45 \item Price, 18 \item Procedure Linkage Table, 198 \item protection mechanism, 41 \item Purchasing, 18 \item put, 178 \item put the value of a register into a special register, 178 \item put the value of a register to the special imm16, 182 \item puti, 182 \indexspace \item R2000, 34 \item Register \#0, 34 \item rem, 89 \item remainder, 89 \item remainder immediate, 90 \item remi, 90 \item Return Address, 198 \item return from exception, 192 \item Return Value, 198 \item rfe, 192 \item RISC, 34 \item roadmap, 31 \item ROP2, 51 \item rotate left, 118 \item rotate left immediate, 123 \item rotate right, 119 \item rotate right immediate, 124 \item rotl, 118 \item rotli, 123 \item rotr, 119 \item rotri, 124 \indexspace \item Saved Register, 198 \item scan, 99 \item scoreboard, 45 \item SDRAM, 50 \item sdup, 143 \item SEC, 56 \item serialize, 195 \item SH5, 34 \item shift, 115 \item shift left immediate, 120 \item shift left logical, 115 \item shift right arithmetic, 117, 137 \item shift right arithmetic immediate, 122, 138 \item shift right immediate logic, 121 \item shift right logical, 116 \item shiftli, 120 \item shiftr, 116 \item shiftra, 117, 137 \item shiftrai, 122, 138 \item shiftri, 121 \item SHL, 53 \item SIMD, 12, 38 \item simd duplication, 143 \item single bit operation, 125 \item single bit operation immediate, 126 \item Single Error Correction Unit, 56 \item Smooth Register Backup, 36, 39 \item SMP, 17 \item sort, 110 \item Special registers, 38 \item SR, 38 \item SRB, 39 \item srb\_restore, 194 \item srb\_save, 193 \item Stack Pointer, 198 \item stop the CPU while it is not flushed, 195 \item store, 165, 168 \item store multiple registers to memory, 180 \item storef, 171 \item storei, 170 \item storeif, 171 \item storem, 180 \item sub, 80 \item subi, 86 \item substraction, 80 \item substraction immediate, 86 \item superpipelined, 12, 44 \item syscall, 190 \indexspace \item Temporary Register, 198 \item TLB, 50, 199 \item TTA, 16 \indexspace \item use the srb to restore the last task's context, 194 \item use the srb to save the current task's context, 193 \indexspace \item VHDL, 12 \item VLIW, 34 \indexspace \item x86, 17 \end{theindex}