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In conclusion, the RASSP Manufacturing Interface allows physically distributed design and manufacturing teams to work collaboratively in a virtual organization to design manufacturability into complex products early in the design process. It also helps to ensure that complex product designs are ready to be manufactured before production begins, thereby supporting the goal of first-pass manufacturing success. For complex products in general, implementations of this capability promise to produce significant reductions in product development time and cost while improving product quality.
5.0 Summary
The goal of an agile manufacturing interface is to enable the formation
of virtual organizations by providing the information sharing infrastructure
and robust DFx mechanisms those organizations need in order to develop
successful products. This Application Note presented the requirements for
an agile manufacturing interface and the results obtained using the agile
manufacturing interface developed by the RASSP program (the RASSP-MI) in
a production environment. By reducing cost and time-to-market, the RASSP-MI
is contributing significantly towards the accomplishment of the RASSP program's
goals of a 4x improvement in cycle-time, quality and cost.
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