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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Test Dataset

The Test Dataset is the .wlf file that will be compared against the Reference Dataset. Like the Reference Dataset, it can be a saved dataset, the current simulation dataset, or any part of the current simulation dataset.

You can specify either dataset by typing in a dataset name, by selecting a dataset from a drop-down history of past dataset selections, or by clicking either of the Browse buttons. Both Browse buttons take you to the Select Dataset File dialog where you can browse for the dataset you want.

Once the Reference and Test Datasets have been specified, clicking "OK" in the Compare Dataset dialog box will place a Compare tab in the project pane of the Main window. After adding the signals, regions and/or clocks you want to use in the comparison (see "Adding Signals, Regions and/or Clocks" ) you'll be able to drag compare objects from this project tab into the Wave and List windows.

Model Technology Inc.
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase