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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Exclusion filter files

Exclusion filter files specify files and line numbers that you wish to exclude from the coverage statistics. You can create the filter file in any text editor or save the current filter in the coverage_source window by selecting File > Save > Current Filter. To load the filter during a future analysis, select File > Open > Load a New Filter.


<filename> [[<range> ...] [<line#> ...]] | all



The name of the file you want to exclude. Required. The filter file may include an unlimited number of filename entries, each on its own line.

<range>, ...

A range of line numbers you want to exclude. Optional. Enter the range in "# - #" format. For example, 32 - 35. You can specify multiple ranges separated by spaces.

<line#>, ...

A line number that you want to exclude. Optional. You can specify multiple line numbers separated by spaces.


Specifies that all lines in the file should be excluded. Required if a range or line number is not specified.


control.vhd 72 - 76 84 93
testring.vhd all 

Default filter file

The Tcl preference variable PrefCoverage(pref_InitFilterFrom) specifies a default filter file and path to read when a design is loaded with the -coverage switch. By default this variable is set to "Exclude.cov". See "Code Coverage preference variables" for details on changing this variable.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase