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Model Technology Inc.

Options supporting source libraries

The following options support source libraries in the same manner as Verilog-XL. Note that these libraries are source libraries and are very different from the libraries that the ModelSim compiler uses to store compilation results. You may find it convenient to use these options if you are porting a design to ModelSim or if you are familiar with these options and prefer to use them.

Source libraries are searched after the source files on the command line are compiled. If there are any unresolved references to modules or UDPs, then the compiler searches the source libraries to satisfy them. The modules compiled from source libraries may in turn have additional unresolved references that cause the source libraries to be searched again. This process is repeated until all references are resolved or until no new unresolved references are found. Source libraries are searched in the order they appear on the command line.

-v <filename>

This option specifies a source library file containing module and UDP definitions. Modules and UDPs within the file are compiled only if they match previously unresolved references. Multiple -v options are allowed.

-y <directory>

This option specifies a source library directory containing module and UDP definitions. Files within this directory are compiled only if the file names match the names of previously unresolved references. Multiple -y options are allowed.


This option works in conjunction with the -y option. It specifies file extensions for the files in a source library directory. By default the compiler searches for files without extensions. If you specify the +libext option, then the compiler will search for a file with the suffix appended to an unresolved name. You may specify only one +libext option, but it may contain multiple suffixes separated by "+". The extensions are tried in the order they appear in the +libext option.


This option changes how unresolved references are handled that are added while compiling a module or UDP from a source library. By default, the compiler attempts to resolve these references as it continues searching the source libraries. If you specify the +librescan option, then the new unresolved references are deferred until after the current pass through the source libraries. They are then resolved by searching the source libraries from the beginning in the order they are specified on the command line.


By default, all modules compiled from a source library are treated as though they contain a `celldefine compiler directive. This option disables this default. The `celldefine directive only affects the PLI Access routines acc_next_cell and acc_next_cell_load.

-R <simargs>

This option instructs the compiler to invoke the simulator after compiling the design. The compiler automatically determines which top level modules are to be simulated. The command line arguments following -R are passed to the simulator, not the compiler. Place the -R option at the end of the command line or terminate the simulator command line arguments with a single "-" character to differentiate them from compiler command line arguments.

The -R option is not a Verilog-XL option, but it is used by ModelSim Verilog to combine the compile and simulate phases together as you may be used to doing with Verilog-XL. It is not recommended that you regularly use this option because you will incur the unnecessary overhead of compiling your design for each simulation run. Mainly, it is provided to ease the transition to ModelSim Verilog.

Model Technology Inc.
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase