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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

64-bit IBM RS/60000 platform

Only version 4.3 of AIX supports the 64-bit platform. A gcc 64-bit compiler is not available at this time. The cc commands are as follows:

cc -c -q64 -I/<install_dir>/modeltech/include app.c
ld -o app.s1 app.o -b64 -bE:app.exports \
	-bI:/<install_dir>/modeltech/rs64/mti_exports -bM:SRE -bnoentry -lc

Note: When using AIX 4.3 in 32-bit mode, you must add the switch -d use_inttypes to the compile command lines. This switch prevents a name conflict that occurs between inttypes.h and mti.h.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
Voice: (503) 641-1340
Fax: (503)526-5410
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase