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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Selecting the time resolution

The simulation time resolution is 1 ns by default. You can select a specific time resolution with the vsim -t option or from the Load Design dialog box. Available resolutions are: 1x, 10x or 100x of fs, ps, ns, us, ms, or sec.

For example, to run in femtosecond resolution, or 10fs resolution respectively:

vsim -t fs topmod
vsim -t 10fs topmod 

Note that there is no space between the value and the units (i.e., 10fs, not 10 fs).

The default time resolution can also be changed by modifying the Resolution variable in the modelsim.ini file. (See "Preference variables located in INI files" for more information on modifying the modelsim.ini file.) You can view the current resolution by invoking the report command with the simulator state option.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase