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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Library mapping with environment variables

Once the MY_PATH variable is set, you can use it with the vmap command to add library mappings to the current modelsim.ini file.

If you're using the vmap command from DOS prompt type:


If you're using vmap from ModelSim/VSIM prompt type:


If you used DOS vmap, this line will be added to the modelsim.ini:

MY_VITAL = c:\temp\work 

If vmap is used from the ModelSim/VSIM prompt, the modelsim.ini file will be modified with this line:


You can easily add additional hierarchy to the path. For example,

vmap MORE_VITAL %MY_PATH%\more_path\and_more_path 
vmap MORE_VITAL \$MY_PATH\more_path\and_more_path 

The "$" character in the examples above is Tcl syntax that precedes a variable. The "\" character is an escape character that keeps the variable from being evaluated during the execution of vmap.

Model Technology Inc.
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase