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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Reading variable values from the INI file

These Tcl functions allow you to read values from the modelsim.ini file.

GetIniInt <var_name> <default_value>

Reads the integer value for the specified variable.

GetIniReal <var_name> <default_value>

Reads the real value for the specified variable.

GetProfileString <section> <var_name> [<default>]

Reads the string value for the specified variable in the specified section. Optionally provides a default value if no value is present.

Setting Tcl variables with values from the modelsim.ini file is one use of these Tcl functions. For example,

set MyCheckpointCompressMode [GetIniInt "CheckpointCompressMode" 1] 
set PrefMain(file) [GetProfileString vsim TranscriptFile ""] 

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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase