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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Step 2 - Add files to the project

Your right mouse button (2nd button in Windows; 3rd button in UNIX) gives quick access to project commands. When you right-click in the workspace, a context menu appears. The menu that appears depends on where you click in the workspace.

  1. Right click in a blank area on the Project tab and select Add file to Project. This opens the Add file to Project dialog. You can also select Project > Add file to Project from the menu bar.
  2. Specify one or more files you want to add to the project. (The files used in this example are available in the examples directory that is installed along with ModelSim.)
  3. For the files you're adding, choose whether to reference them from their current location or copy them into the project directory.

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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase