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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Library mapping from the command line

You can issue a command to set the mapping between a logical library name and a directory; its form is:

vmap <logical_name> <directory_pathname> 

This command may be invoked from either a UNIX/DOS prompt or from the command line within ModelSim.

When you use vmap this way you are modifying the modelsim.ini file. You can also modify modelsim.ini manually by adding a mapping line. To do this, edit the modelsim.ini file using any text editor and add a line under the [Library] section heading using the syntax:

<logical_name> = <directory_pathname> 

More than one logical name can be mapped to a single directory. For example, suppose the modelsim.ini file in the current working directory contains following lines:

work = /usr/rick/design
my_asic = /usr/rick/design 

This would allow you to use either the logical name work or my_asic in a library or use clause to refer to the same design library.

Model Technology Inc.
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase