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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Editing and formatting HDL items in the List window

Once you have the HDL items you want in the List window, you can edit and format the list to create the view you find most useful. (See also, "Adding HDL items to the List window" )

To edit an item:

Select the item's label at the top of the List window or one of its values from the listing. Move, copy or remove the item by selecting commands from the List window Edit menu menu.

You can also click+drag to move items within the window:

To format an item:

Select the item's label at the top of the List window or one of its values from the listing, then select Prop > Signal Props (List window). The resulting Modify Signal Properties dialog box allows you to set the item's label, label width, triggering, and radix.

The Modify Signal Properties dialog box includes these options:

The trigger specification affects the trigger property of the selected item. See also, "Setting List window display properties" .

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase