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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Tracing HDL items with the Dataflow window

The Dataflow window is linked with the Signals window and the Process window. To examine a particular process in the Dataflow window, click on the process name in the Process window. To examine a particular HDL item in the Dataflow window, click on the item name in the Signals window.

With a signal in the center of the Dataflow window, you can:

With a process in the center of the Dataflow window, you can:

The backward and forward buttons on the toolbar are analogous to Back and Forward buttons in a web browser. They move backward or forward through previous views of the dataflow.

move backward through dataflow views

move forward through dataflow views

The Dataflow window will display the current process when you single-step or when ModelSim hits a breakpoint.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase