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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Run menu

Run <default>
run simulation for one default run length; change the run length with Options > Simulation, or use the Run Length text box on the toolbar
Run -All
run simulation until you stop it; see also the run command
continue the simulation; see also the run command and the continue option
Run -Next
run to the next event time
single-step the simulator; see also the step command
Step -Over
execute without single-stepping through a subprogram call
reload the design elements and reset the simulation time to zero; only design elements that have changed are reloaded; you specify whether to maintain the following after restart-list and wave window environment, breakpoints, logged signals, and virtual definitions; see also the restart command

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
Voice: (503) 641-1340
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase