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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

The Chooser

Select Macro > Tcl Debugger (Main window) to open the TDebug chooser.

The TDebug chooser has three parts. At the top the current interpreter, vsim.op_, is shown. In the main section there are two list boxes. All currently defined procedures are shown in the left list box. By clicking the left mouse button on a procedure name, the procedure gets prepared for debugging and its name is moved to the right list box. Clicking a name in the right list box returns a procedure to its normal state.

Press the right mouse button on a procedure in either list box to get its program code displayed in the main debugger window.

The three buttons at the bottom let you force a Rescan of the available procedures, Popup the debugger window or Exit TDebug. Exiting from TDebug doesn't terminate ModelSim, it merely detaches from vsim.op_, restoring all prepared procedures to their unmodified state.

Model Technology Inc.
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase